::Pembaca Setia::

Monday, May 16, 2011

"SeLeMaT hArI GuRu"

Epy Teachers Day,   Epy Teachers Day,   Epy Teachers Day,
urm ..kpda guru2 ksyganku..slmat ary guru....rndu la ngn ckgu2 SKUE
ary niy at skola bestt... ade persembahan yg hebat la... hehehe

 abg2 niy nyanyi mmg xbleh blah..

hahahahaa.. niy aqu mmg xthn nk glak tgok dyowg mnari..mmg happy la..
klu korg tgok mmg enjoy la..=))

  ha.. niy la ckgu2 skola SMK Seri Gombak.. 

yg pgang krts 2 guru kls aqu..cntek x,cntek x..hhee..
ha.. smua gmbr at ats niy aq ciplak jewr...hehhe

urm..wt mse skrg aqu xd bgi2 hadiah cume ucap slmt ary guru je..hahaha =)))

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Lyric_-_i love you 5_-_nevershoutnever

cbe tgk..best... i like this song..

Lyrics to I Love You 5 :
I love you one, a two, a three shoobee-doo
I love you four, that's more than I can afford
And I can tell some day that I'm gunna' say the truth
I love you five

I've been walking around
Trying to figure out
Why I am feeling all the feelings that I'm feeling now
And I got more on my mind
Then I've got on my plate

I love you one, a two, a three shoobee-doo
I love you four, that's more than I can afford
And I can tell, some day that I'm gunna' say the truth

I love you five times more than any boy from before
'Cause all they really cared about was whether you put out
And I truly believe [Truly Believe]
That this love could be

And I could count five times off the top of my head
Where I sucked it in
Cause' you were hanging with him
And I got something to say
I Love You all the same

I love you one, a two, a three shoobee-doo
I love you four, that's more than I can afford
And I can tell some day that I'm gunna' say the truth

I Love You, 5


urmm.. dh lme plak lyna xcte psl skola...hehe.. skunk kan dak form 1 over.. errreggghh...xske la.. dia igt dia bgoz la.. tlg la.. (oopppss .. hehe dak2 form 1 yg laen jgn terase plak ye..) bkn la smue yg gedik... cme ssetgh je..hehe..=) 

skunk at klz aqu cm bdoh jew.. agy2 dak laki..wt lawak bdoh xtntu psl.. ee tlg r xlwak pown la.. ps2 skunk nie aqu rse mcm mlz jew nk blaja.. rse nk ponteng la rse boring la..xtau npew.. mngkin at klz aqu xd kwan yg aqu syg kowt..atau mgkin dak2 klz aqu xsporting..ermm.. bosan2..=((((

Saturday, May 7, 2011

wedding - prince william and kate middleton

Kecoh ary 2 psl wedding prince william and kate middleton ... best gler r ...tpy aq tgk at TV jewr.. xdpt nk tgk kat sne..hehe...=)) diaorg so PRETTY...comeyyy lorhh.. =))) 

niy la gmbr dyorg..knl x?? O_o
hhee msti la knl kn..=D

niy kate ..=)

niy plak william

wahh ramainye org..=)

nice dress..=)

KISS O_O..=)

comel kan..
smoge berkekalan..=D

Happy Mothers Day...!!!

... Happy Mothers Day... korg dh bgi hadiah kewr at ibu korg..?? haa.. msti xbgi kn..xbaek tau..=)
hehe.. aqu pown xbgi.. sbb aq mlu..haha..alaa..nk bgi2 wt pew..blagak jew lbih..bkn pnting pown...(aqu ckp niy bkn aq xsyg mami aqu okey (=..) klu aq xbgi xsmstinya aqu xsmbot..ap2 pown aq smbot hapy mothers day at blog jewrr..hehe 6_^..

lyn syg mami..=))))